So you've always wanted to be a special forces influencer a bit like Forward Observers Group on instagram but your problem is lack of pictures due not being a high speed low drag operator? Don't give up just yet as here's a lora to create as many blackboxed cool guy SOF pictures as you need! Quite easily reproduces the FOG style of war photography from the comfort of your own gaming chair. No need to enlist!
Fairly easy to prompt and quite flexible. Include "f0g" in the beginning of the prompt and then something simple like a "photo of a soldier". Look for more inspiration in the example gallery.
Works quite well but struggles with night vision goggles. I'm already working on a version that's a lot better with NVGs but it struggles to do anything else than night pictures currently. Here's an early version that's otherwise fully functional. I'll update a new version when I've gotten it sorted out.