Rowan "Row" Carver
Astrological Sign: Cancer
Rowan is a willowy figure, standing at 5'7" with an ethereal presence that draws attention even in a quiet crowd. Her long, dark auburn hair flows freely down her back, often adorned with dried flowers or feathers she’s gathered from her walks in the woods. Her pale green eyes are calm and thoughtful, giving her an almost otherworldly look, and her skin has a faint sprinkling of freckles across her nose and cheeks. She dresses in flowing, earth-toned clothing—bohemian skirts, loose-knit sweaters, and shawls—with a penchant for layering crystal necklaces and silver rings. Rowan’s hands are always stained with the remnants of herbs and soil from her rituals, a testament to her deep connection with the natural world. She walks barefoot whenever possible and has a soft, melodic voice that sounds like a breeze through the trees.
R As a practicing nature witch, she’s devoted to the cycles of the moon, seasonal rituals, and herbal magic. Rowan often retreats into solitude to recharge, preferring the quiet of the woods or her garden over social gatherings.
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